10 Steps For Success When Transitioning To 360 Recruitment

Transitioning into 360 recruitment? Here’s our 10 steps for success

For those who think that 360 recruitment is ‘dead’ - think again.

There are so many recruiters looking to transition into 360 this year, and it’s time to give the “OG” style of recruitment the recognition that it deserves. 

Here are the 10 things that you should be doing to set yourself up for success as a 360 recruiter.

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1) Sort out your day plan

We’ve spoken about day plans so many times here at Limitless Learning, and for good reason.

Every successful 360 recruiter (well, at least 99% of them) has had some sort of day plan. 

It keeps you disciplined, holds you accountable, enables you to track time, and guarantees productivity. 

Want to learn more about day plans?

2) Clean up your database usage

If you feel targeted reading this message, then this point applies to you. 

You cannot expect to generate great results as a 360 recruiter if you don’t have any organisation.

Your database is your bread and butter, and a cluttered database is going to cost you a lot of time and money. 

Spend some time cleaning up your contacts and making designated, structured lists so you can do your business development efficiently. 

How can you get started and implement this?

Dedicate 30 minutes a day to a database clean-up.

If you find that you hate doing admin, use the “eat the frog” approach and make sure that this is the first thing you do when you come in to the office/log on at home. 

Grab a coffee/tea, and get stuck in. It’ll soon become a daily habit.

You can then reduce this to once a week, so you’re simply maintaining your database.

3) Learn via osmosis

Who else is a 360 recruiter within your agency? Who do you look up to, and who inspires you? Spend time with them and start learning their tips and tricks via osmosis. 

If you’re surrounded by people who aren’t doing 360 recruitment, it can be hard to stay motivated.

Surround yourself with people who are in the same role as you and can give you pointers on how to improve.

Some ways you could do this are:

Sitting with top performers: Spend time with top performers, either sitting on desk with them or listening in to calls (if they’re happy for you to do that).

You can learn about things in real-time: call structure, business development, objection handling, and even how they organise their desk on a day-to-day basis. 

Picking people’s brains: Whether it’s inside your organisation or utilising your network, what are the top questions that you want answered?

Book time in with the relevant people and collect their thoughts and opinions.

Get a mentor: Whether it’s internally (which is free) or externally (which you may have to pay for depending on who it is) a mentor can be an excellent addition to your ‘mental toolkit’ as a recruiter.

4) Meetings, meetings, meetings (in person)

Although we love remote working and having virtual options, you can’t deny that in-person human connection is the most important thing. 

When transitioning into a 360 role, you want to get yourself in front of clients as quickly and as often as possible so you can start to build strong relationships with them. 

If you find that you’re struggling to secure in-person meetings, ensure that you are utilising video to its full potential.

This can be a great in-between when you’re trying to pin down an in-person meeting.

Video meetings will accelerate your relationship building whilst also giving yourself and your client's flexibility.

As a final piece of advice, always push for an in-person meeting, but don’t be disheartened if the majority of your meetings are over video - it’s still good!

How can you do this?

Create a 3-step process in your head to securing an in-person meeting, we recommend something like this:

Step 1: An initial business development call to start building a relationship.

Explain to your client that your approach always involves an in-person client meeting when taking on roles so you can get ‘under the hood’ of the business and build a long-term relationship.

If this progresses into an immediate meeting, great. If not, go to step 2.

Step 2: A video call! Structure this as you would a client meeting - even if it isn’t for a role briefing.

Ensure that you have a set agenda: is this a call to understand future role requirements, is it to explain your services in more depth, or, is it simply a catch-up call because your initial call didn’t generate immediate results?

Step 3: An in-person meeting. You may have had 2–3 calls and 1-2 video calls at this point - it’s time to go for an in-person meeting.

Ensure that you’re doing this to pick up jobs, rather than scheduling in-person meetings for informal conversations, especially if you’ve already spent a lot of time building the relationship. 

5) Your clients are now your candidates: embracing a mindset shift

If you’ve been working in a 180 role for a long time, it can be hard to switch your mindset and now see your candidates as potential clients.

Switching from your candidate hat to your BD hat takes time.

However, many 180 consultants don’t realise that they truly have the upper hand when transitioning into a 360 role over time. 

You have an incredible pool of candidates, most of whom may have hiring power or will be able to put you in contact with someone who does. 

Your mindset shift needs to be changing your inner monologue that tells you that every opportunity and every call is a great time for business development - regardless of whether they’ve always been a candidate to you.

If you already have great existing relationships, it’s time to capitalise on those and embrace the mindset shift of seeing candidates as equal BD opportunities!

6) Ask for feedback

No 360 recruiter is perfect, and you certainly won’t be in the early stages! 

Trying to achieve perfectionism with your BD calls and meetings is a great goal, but may not be beneficial for you in practice. 

Instead, focus on asking for candid feedback from your clients and candidates. 

What did you do well? What could you do better? How can you improve your relationship with them?

Continuously ask for ways in which you can improve - and that will give you confidence as well as tangible takeaways to improve your skills as a 360 recruiter. 

7) Give yourself time

360 recruitment is hard

Ask anyone who has been doing this role - you’ll get the same answer.

The highs are high, but the lows can be incredibly low. It might sound wishy-washy, but be patient with yourself and give yourself time to transition into this role.

You’re dealing with the complete recruitment lifecycle, and that can be a challenge to get your head around if 180 is all you’ve ever known. 

8) Focus on quality over quantity

Whether it’s BD, job roles, relationships, or how you approach every day - focus on providing a high-quality experience instead of a churn-and-burn approach to 360 recruitment. 

Take time with your business development, try and prioritise high-quality roles, and take pride in providing a service that is going to generate a consistent 360 desk long-term. 

9) Get into the habit of allocating time for cold calling

We spoke about cold calling in our last edition that we Co-Created with Amber Penrose. 

She said that she blocks out three times per week for sessions of cold-calling to keep her on track and also in the habit of doing it.

Business development isn’t always going to be warm calls and lovely introductions, especially in a market like this, which is substantially tough. 

Allocate time for cold-calling, don’t let it fall on the back burner!

How can you do this?

Similarly to your database clean-up, it’s time to create time and instil a habit: cold calling.

Start with doing it first thing in the morning, even if it’s for 30-60 minutes a day. No one expects you to try and do 3 hours of cold calling every day, it can be taxing and tiring.

Slowly work your way until you can confidently do 60-90 minutes of cold calling a day until you have enough business to work.

Then, drop it down to 30-60 minutes every other day for maintenance purposes.

10) Invest in some decent tools

If you don’t have some great tools in your locker, it’s time to invest in some.

Even great 180 recruiters should have tools to help them; however, modern 360 recruitment requires recruiters to lean on technology more often than not.

We suggest the following:


For those of you who say you aren’t very good at writing, neither am I but this tool fixes this and I could no longer live without it.



Every now and again, I hear a recruiter rave about this, so I wanted to include it.

This tool offers you insights into the person you're engaging with to give you the best chance of communicating in the way the person likes to be communicated with.


I have been using these types of tools for a while now, and Metaview is the first recruitment-specific AI notetaking tool I have come across.

Why I think it is so smart is because it produces notes in question-and-answer format, so your candidate qualification + job qualification notes are all taken care of.

It can do a lot more than this, but if you want a tool that will save you a bunch of time that is made with the recruitment context in mind, you have to check these guys out.


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