Struggling To Find The Words

Before we jump into this weeks edition, which will give you all the tools you need to write engaging and encapuring sales copy, just a few bits from myself.

Next week we have our only edition of the Recruitment Metors Live Event that will be hosted in London.

At the time of writing, there are less that 20 tickets available, if you are yet to grab yours, then please do so by following the link here.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Struggling to find the words? 

In recruitment, we have to wear many hats nowadays. 

If it isn’t having a shining personal brand on LinkedIn, or elevator pitches that would stand the heat in ‘Dragon’s Den’, then it’s also being an excellent writer to convert clients and candidates who simply cannot be won over on the phone. 

It’s important to recognise that recruitment has changed a lot in the past decade, and you can’t just rely on the ‘gift of the gab’ to get you placements.

Copywriting isn’t easy. In fact, there are specialist jobs for copywriters alone because it’s such a niche and complex skill set. 

Words are open to interpretation, and creating a tone that feels like you whilst also coming across as professional and personable isn’t easy.

This edition is going to be split into five main sections:

  • Do’s and Don’t’s (some basics)

  • The 20% rule

  • The art of the follow-up (using words)

  • Personalisation and relevance

  • 3 different openers you can try for BD 

Do’s and Don’t’s



Focus on using the prospects' needs and interests with language such as ‘you’

Make the whole message about yourself. Using ‘I’ and ‘we’ may be unavoidable at times, but reduce it to a minimum

Use humanising language. Of course, understand your audience first - but don’t dilute your personality and sound too formal.

Some great ways are using exclamation points and an emoji (when appropriate)

Rely on AI to write all of your messages. You will sound robotic!

Use grammar tools such as Grammarly and Language Tool. These tools will help you with synonyms and ensure that everything is grammatically correct.

Forget to proofread every message. It sounds simple but spelling mistakes and poor clarity in your wording can cost you business.

Write concise messages. See the 20% rule later on in this edition for more information.

Information overload. If you are sending additional context for your message (such as a deck or capability document) ensure it’s no more than one side of A4.

Have a personalised greeting. Show that you’ve researched them and/or their business.

Start every message with ‘Hi (first_name)’ especially if it’s a follow-up.

Have a clear call to action.

Have multiple questions and follow-up points. It will simply overwhelm your prospects.

Highlight pain points and give market information.

Make your market information generic. Try to be as specific as possible.

Try to build a connection.

Over-pitch or be too salesy. Think realistically about your timeline for building a relationship with a prospect, and know that you aren’t going to get overnight success.

Use consistent messaging frameworks and follow-ups.

Message sporadically with no end goal in sight.

The 20% rule


We often think about this when it comes to speaking on the phone or in a client meeting. 

The danger of waffling on is something that we are all guilty of in the world of recruitment, and we hate to tell you - it can definitely translate into the written word, too. 

Something you should always remember when sending any type of message - whether it’s your first piece of outreach or it’s an e-mail to a client you’ve known for years, is the 20% rule.

This means, get rid of 20% of any message before you send it. In the nicest way possible, your prospect, client, candidate, or even your colleague doesn’t need to read all of that, nor will they have the time.

This will enable you to become more concise with your messaging. 

You can always send more if you need to or if someone asks, but you can’t take back a gigantic paragraph that may have scared someone away!

Less is more.

Try and think of it in this way:

10% of your message will be an intro and some relevant info.

50% of your message will then be pain points and solutions you can provide.

20% of your message will be a call to action and any additional relevant information.

20% of your message will be what you need to delete (filler words, waffle, irrelevant information right now)

The art of the follow-up (using words)

Just like you’d follow up using calls, the same should apply when sending messages (InMail or LinkedIn). 

Here’s a framework that you can use to guarantee consistency and keep yourself accountable!

Day 1: Message one.

Day 2: Message two.

Day 4: LinkedIn connection request.

Day 5: Cold call.

Day 7: LinkedIn DM.

Day 9: Call.

Day 11: Final e-mail.

Personalisation and relevance

In an ideal world, you’ll want to be able to include both in outreach e-mails and in LinkedIn messages. However, this isn’t always going to be possible.

So, what’s better? Personalisation or relevance?

Personalisation grabs attention, but it often lacks substance unless the personalisation in question is related to a mutual friend or something that has enough weight to develop into a further conversation.

Relevance, on the other hand, is a great way to build credibility, drives engagement, and is more likely to guarantee you that follow-up conversation.

A great framework to follow to ensure that you are including relevance and personalisation in your copy is as follows:

  • Trigger: The REASON why you’re getting in touch. 

  • Hot button: Acknowledging and addressing a pain point.

  • Teasing: Providing a potential solution to the pain point and a call to action.

  • CTA/Close off: Getting a second/next step booked in.

3 Different openers you can try for BD.

[First Name],

[Personalised intro - using a trigger from their Linked profile]

[Your company] has come up consistently with positive recommendations in the space.

I noticed you have been looking for [Job Title] for the last two weeks.

I’m surprised it’s been open that long, given how great your reputation is.

We’ve recently helped companies like yours find

  • List recent searches you have completed

Worth exploring further to see if we can help you with [X position] like we did with [Competitor name]?



[First Name],

Completely agree with what you posted on [insert topic] earlier this week, it was a discussion we had in the office!

How do you think that’s going to affect [insert question]?

I’d love to know more about the team structure you have at the moment as we recently placed with [insert competitor name] and we had some incredible candidates who also would be suited to your team.

We’ve also placed with [X, Y, and Z] in the last 12 months so have an in-depth understanding of the technical elements you may be looking for.

When would you be free to have an introductory call this week? I can do Tuesday at 11:00 am or anytime on Wednesday and Thursday between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm.

Looking forward to hearing back from you!



I met a mutual friend of ours [insert name] and we were talking about [x, y, and z] and I didn’t realise that you’d made the move over to [company name].

How are you finding it?

I had placed [mutual friend name] about 3 months ago so the fact you and I hadn’t crossed paths is crazy! 

[Mutual friend name] told me that your team is set to double in the next 18 months, which is great news.

[insert info about your agency here]

I’d love to organise a coffee or introductory call to understand your needs and see whether we’d be the right fit for your growth plans.

I can do [insert dates/times here]

I’ll follow up in a couple of days if I don’t hear back.



P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: Do you listen to my podcast? I release a weekly episode with either a top-performing recruiter or recruitment entrepreneur to find out how they achieved their success so you can learn directly from their journey Check out my latest episode and subscribe to the show.

#2: Promote your brand to over 4,277 recruitment professionals by sponsoring this newsletter (bookings available from May 2024).

#3: Want to learn how you can leverage our all-in-one training platform to take on the heavy lifting of upskilling your team whilst you spend more time working on the business? >>>> Book A Meeting With Me Here

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